Monday, 31 May 2010

Millets wellington boots

I recently purchase a pair of 'Hunter Lowther' unisex wellies from Millets online store, for my wife. She has genuine Hunters for riding her horse (and obviously to keep her feet dry) but they cost more than double these Hunter Lowthers.
The boots arrived within a few days, so full marks for delivery, but they aren't suitable for riding. Riders need their boots to come up above the saddle flaps to be safe, these boots were too short and would catch under the flaps with disastrous consequences in the event of a fall.
I wrote a review for Millets, which explained exactly why they weren't suitable for riding and also commented that my wife found the boots a bit tight and inflexible. It's strange that the official Hunter boot website has no reference to these 'Hunters'.
My remarks were rejected by Millets, because they breech their 'guidelines'. They obviously don't want people to be able to make an informed purchasing decision.

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