Saturday, 7 April 2007


It's Easter again, the daftest festival in the Christian calendar.
I mean, Christians worship Christ as the son of god, but they've adopted this pagan festival to celebrate his death. It's also one of the most commercially exploited times of the year, with cards, eggs and other chocolates, it's almost as bad as Christmas.
Another excuse to overindulge, spend money and let off fireworks. Why do people feel the need to annoy their neighbours in the dead of night by letting off high explosives?
I know that it doesn't compare to the terror of living in a war zone, but it scares the life out of one of my dogs. She shivers in terror as soon as one goes off and takes a good 12 hours to recover. In the UK the madness starts in October and goes on until after New Year, with sporadic outbreaks at random through the rest of the year. Guy Fawkes night on November 5th is the only national occasion for celebration with fireworks, but that doesn't stop the idiots. Sometimes it sounds like world war 3 has erupted.
I used to love fireworks as a kid and even years ago when my son was young. In those days they were all about the spectacle, sparkles and pretty colours. Modern ones are all bang and no flash. People seem to let them off just for the explosion, they obviously can't see anything when low clouds cover the area as they often do in the winter.
A lot of the fireworks on sale are positively lethal, they are designed to be used by trained pyrotechnicians who understand the risk, yet they can be obtained by any idiot with an internet connection.
What do you think?
Should we have a total ban on firework sales to the general public?

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