Tuesday, 5 April 2011

UK Alternative Vote Referendum

Yesterday I received a leaflet from the Electoral Commission explaining how the proposed alternative voting system would work. The leaflet explains how the process will work in such a way that 99% of people reading it are going to vote against the reform.
The example shows that the candidate who starts with the most votes, though not a clear majority wins the election. There are several more steps than in the current 'first past the post' system, but according to the brochure the result is the same.
In practice in many cases the person who starts with a majority will not end up winning the election. The new system would be fairer, than first past the post and that has to be a good thing.
I dislike the Conservatives, because I think that they are out of touch with reality. Labour aren't much better, they just want to form the government and if that means aping the Tories that's what they'll do, again.
I will vote Green, though I know that they won't win. My other choices will be other minority parties. Each time a candidate is eliminated, the alternatives will be rewarded with more votes.
In some cases this will be enough to tip the balance against the ruling party, even if it doesn't I will feel more satisfied than if my first choice party lost its deposit.

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