Tuesday, 25 March 2008

I can do that, give me a job!

Last month I turned 60 and decided that I should sign on at my local JobCentre. For those of my readers who live outside the UK a JobCentre is the place people go to find financial support when they can't find work.
My local JobCentre closed in 2006, so I looked on the Internet for the nearest alternative. The JobCentrePlus website has lots of interesting data, including the fact that one has to register by telephone. Fortunately it's a freephone number, because registering took 75 minutes of ear bending.
A few days later a couple of pounds of paper landed on my hall carpet. This was my 'Jobseekers Statement', together with an appointment at the nearest JobCentre (in Dover 8 miles away) and instructions about the documents they needed to see.
As I have been a bit prudent, I have been able to survive for the last 18 months on savings, ISAs, With Profits Life Insurance maturing and my few stocks and shares. In total my wife and I had just over £16000, so after cursing and tearing my hair out to find evidence for these I loaded a ton of paper into my briefcase and caught the bus to Dover.
The first person I saw looked at my Statement, said I would not receive any assistance, removed half the pages and changed my claim from Earnings Related to Contribution related. Apparently you have to be as near bankrupt as makes no difference to receive 'Earnings Related' benefit.
I was then passed on to a nice man who explained that I could look for work similar to what I had been doing for 3 months, then I would have to take any job I was offered. I have to report to the JobCentrePlus every fortnight and provide evidence that I've done 3 things each week towards finding a job. This effort will result in a payment of £59.15 per week, which is supposed to pay my mortgage, utility bills, and food and drink. Is it any wonder that most people on benefit try to make money on the side?
I really went to the JobCentre primarily for assistance in finding work, as 18 months of my efforts have failed. JobCentres don't provide any real help until 26 weeks after you apply to them, by which time I shall be starving and presumably willing to do anything for a few crumbs. Also at that time, if I still do not have a job, my benefit stops! I can apply again, for a different sort of benefit, but my 40 something years of 'National Insurance' contributions only buy £1537.90 in Job Seeker's Allowance. In the last year that I was able to work I paid £5665.94 in 8 months!!!
That isn't insurance, it's extortion.